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New species of Genus Curcuma discovered in Nagaland

Researchers have identified a new cousin species from a ginger family called turmeric, Genus Curcuma at Ungma village in Mokokchung district in the state of Nagaland, this information related research paper published by the botanical survey of India.

How it look like

  • Belonging to the Genus curcuma plant (family Zingiberaceae)
  • Stands at 65-70 cm high
  • Color of the flowers are yellow

What is Family Zingiberaceae?

  • This family plant has 21 types and 200 taxa in India presently.
  • Curcuma is one of the most famous and the largest plant of this type of this plant family in India. The best known being turmeric (Curcuma longa), black turmeric (Curcumacaesia) and mango ginger (Curcuma amada).

Distribution of plant

  • In India it is widely found in the Northeast, Southern states and The Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Widely distributed in South Asia, South East Asia and South China.
  • A few species are also found in northern Australia and the south Pacific. 

Uniqueness of flower

The attractive color of the inflorescence makes this a good candidate as cut flower. It can be introduced in gardens as an ornamental plant for ground cover after proper domestication.

General information

  • Flowering occurs during the rainy season from August to October.
  • The flowers open in the morning and last a single day.
  • It faces “severe threat” from a variety of sources, including road development, building construction and natural calamities.
  • The species could be ideal for gardens, according to the researchers.

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