Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the Sardardham Bhavan in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, via video conferencing. He also performed the “Bhoomi Pujan” of the Sardardham Phase-II Kanya Chhatralaya (girls’ hostel) project. Both these establishments are dedicated to the “Iron Man of India,” Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. The project is developed by the Vishwa Patidar Samaj.
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About the project:
- The state-of-the-art Sardardham Bhavan provides separate hostel facilities to girls and boys from rural areas who aspire for better career prospects.
- Phase I of the Sardardham Bhavan project is built over an area of 11,672 square feet at an estimated cost of Rs 200 crore, near the Vaishnodevi circle in the Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar border area. It will house 1,600 students, including 800 boys and 800 girls.
- The Phase II of the Sardardham project is expected to house around 2,000 girl students. The project will be built at the cost of another Rs 200 crore.