Sai Paranjpye, a legendary director and writer in Indian cinema, is set to be honored with the Padmapani Lifetime Achievement Award at the upcoming Ajanta-Ellora International Film Festival (AIFF) 2025. Known for her impactful slice-of-life films such as Sparsh, Chashme Buddoor, Katha, and Saaz, Paranjpye is regarded as a pillar of India’s parallel cinema movement, which gained prominence in the 1970s and 1980s. The award recognizes her extensive contributions to both Indian cinema and Marathi literature. The 10th edition of the festival is scheduled to take place in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar from January 15 to 19, 2025, where Paranjpye will be conferred with the prestigious award.
Key Points
Awards and Event
- Sai Paranjpye will be awarded the Padmapani Lifetime Achievement Award at the Ajanta-Ellora International Film Festival (AIFF) 2025.
- The 10th edition of the AIFF will take place from January 15 to 19, 2025, in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar.
- The award will be presented to Paranjpye at the opening ceremony on January 15, at the Rukmini Auditorium of MGM University Campus.
Contribution to Cinema
- Paranjpye is known for slice-of-life films such as Sparsh, Chashme Buddoor, Katha, and Saaz.
- A prominent figure in India’s parallel cinema movement alongside directors like Shyam Benegal, Govind Nihalani, and Mani Kaul.
- She has also contributed to Marathi literature with plays such as Jaswandi, Sakkhe Shejari, and Albel.
Career Highlights
- Paranjpye, 86 years old, has received four National Awards.
- She served as the Chairperson of the Children’s Film Society of India (CFSI) twice.
- In 2006, she was awarded the Padma Bhushan for her contributions to Indian cinema.
- Paranjpye is also a graduate of Delhi’s National School of Drama.
Award Details
- The Padmapani Lifetime Achievement Award includes a Padmapani memento, a letter of honour, and a monetary reward of Rs 2 lakh.
- The Padmapani Award Selection Committee includes prominent figures such as Latika Padgaonkar (chairperson), Ashutosh Gowariker, and Sunil Sukthankar.
- This recognition celebrates Paranjpye’s remarkable journey and contributions to both Indian cinema and literature, reflecting her legacy as one of the most influential filmmakers of her generation.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Sai Paranjpye to Receive Padmapani Lifetime Achievement Award |
Festival | Ajanta-Ellora International Film Festival (AIFF) 2025 |
Event Dates | January 15-19, 2025 |
Award Presentation Date | January 15, 2025, Rukmini Auditorium, MGM University Campus, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar |
Notable Films | Sparsh, Chashme Buddoor, Katha, Saaz |
Key Contribution | Parallel cinema, Marathi literature, children’s films |
Career Highlights | Four-time National Award winner, Padma Bhushan (2006), Chairperson of CFSI |
Award Components | Padmapani memento, letter of honour, Rs 2 lakh monetary reward |
Selection Committee | Latika Padgaonkar (Chairperson), Ashutosh Gowariker, Sunil Sukthankar |