The Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025, organized by the Department of Youth Affairs under the leadership of Union Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya, began on January 10, 2025, at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. The event, a reimagined version of the National Youth Festival, aims to celebrate youth leadership and engage young leaders from across India in thematic discussions, creative competitions, and cultural experiences. The dialogue seeks to empower the next generation of leaders to contribute to India’s vision of becoming a developed nation by 2047.
With over 3,000 participants selected from 30 lakh applicants, the event focuses on key themes related to Viksit Bharat, providing young leaders with a platform to showcase their talents, innovations, and ideas for a brighter future.
Key Highlights
Opening Session
- The event commenced with an orientation session, attended by over 3,000 young leaders from every State and Union Territory.
- Smt. Meeta Rajivlochan, Secretary (Youth Affairs), delivered a motivating address, emphasizing the role of youth in shaping India’s future.
Competitions and Thematic Presentations
- The participants engaged in creative competitions on the theme of Viksit Bharat, including:
- Painting
- Story Writing
- Music and Dance
- Declamation and Poetry
- The competitions encouraged participants to express their visions for a developed India through various artistic forms.
Viksit Bharat Exhibition
The exhibition showcased youth-focused initiatives by State and Central Ministries.
- Participants explored interactive displays on,
- Education
- Skill Development
- Entrepreneurship
- Culture
- Youth representatives from various States presented their innovative projects.
Excursion of Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya
- Participants visited the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya, gaining insights into India’s rich history and leadership journey.
Networking Dinner
- An informal networking dinner was hosted by Union Ministers and Members of Parliament.
- The dinner provided participants with a unique opportunity to interact directly with key policymakers, fostering inspiration and ideas for contributing to Viksit Bharat.
Summary/Static | Details |
Why in the news? | Viksit Bharat Young Leaders Dialogue 2025 Begins |
Organized By | Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports |
Venue | Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi |
Participants | Over 3,000 young leaders from every State and Union Territory |
Selection Process | Over 30 lakh participants applied; rigorous selection process |
Competitions | Painting, story writing, music, dance, declamation, poetry |
Exhibition Focus | Education, skill development, entrepreneurship, culture |
Networking Dinner | Hosted by Union Ministers and Members of Parliament |
Cultural Show | “Colours of Viksit Bharat” showcasing India’s unity and diversity |