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Bill Gates Foundation to set up FSTP at Sarovaram

The city of Kozhikode in Kerala, India, is set to receive a significant upgrade to its waste management infrastructure. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in collaboration with the Habitat Charitable Trust, has proposed the construc Thetion of a state-of-the-art faecal sludge treatment plant (FSTP) at Sarovaram. This development marks a crucial step towards improving sanitation and water hygiene in the region.

Project Overview

Location and Capacity

The new FSTP will be situated on the premises of the proposed sewage treatment plant (STP) of the Kozhikode Corporation at Sarovaram. The facility is designed with a capacity of 200 KLD (0.2 MLD), which will significantly enhance the city’s ability to process faecal waste effectively.

Financial Investment

The project comes with a substantial investment of ₹36 crore, fully funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Habitat Charitable Trust. This generous contribution ensures that the Kozhikode Corporation will not bear any financial burden for the plant’s construction.

Impact on Existing Plans

The introduction of the FSTP has led to a reconfiguration of the original STP plans. The capacity of the proposed STP at Sarovaram, which was initially planned under the AMRUT 2.0 scheme, has been reduced from 27 MLD to 13.5 MLD to accommodate the new facility.

The ‘Omni Processor’ Technology

Global Initiative

The FSTP at Sarovaram is part of a broader global initiative by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In partnership with Ankur Scientific Energy Private Limited, the foundation is implementing ‘Omni Processor’ facilities worldwide for the treatment of faecal sludge, with the primary goal of promoting water hygiene.

Innovative Approach

The ‘Omni Processor’ technology represents a cutting-edge approach to waste management, offering efficient and hygienic processing of faecal sludge. This innovation aligns with global efforts to improve sanitation and reduce waterborne diseases.

Project Management and Maintenance

Initial Operations

The Habitat Trust will take charge of managing the plant for the first six months of operation. This period will likely serve as a transition phase, allowing for any necessary adjustments and training of local personnel.

Long-term Maintenance

Following the initial six-month period, the Kozhikode Corporation will assume responsibility for the plant’s maintenance for the subsequent 10 years. The annual maintenance cost is estimated at ₹1.3 crore, which will be incorporated into the Corporation’s budget.

Challenges and Solutions

Space Constraints

The reduction in the STP’s capacity from 27 MLD to 13.5 MLD was primarily due to space limitations at the Sarovaram site. Deputy Mayor C.P. Musafar Ahamed explained, “The plan was to have two 13.5-MLD plants at Sarovaram. However, there isn’t enough space to accommodate another plant within the available 2.6 acres.”

Technical Committee Recommendation

In light of the space constraints, a high-level technical committee advised the Corporation to drop one of the planned STP units to make room for the FSTP. This decision demonstrates a prioritization of diverse waste management capabilities over raw capacity.

Financial Implications

Cost Savings

The reduction in the STP’s size from the originally planned 27 MLD to 13.5 MLD is expected to result in significant cost savings for the Kozhikode Corporation. The initial estimated cost of ₹302 crore for the 27-MLD plant will be considerably reduced, though the exact savings have not been specified.

Integration and Coverage

Integrated Operation

Deputy Mayor Ahamed highlighted the integrated nature of the new setup: “The FSTP will be connected to the STP and will treat sludge from the STP. This setup will allow us to cater to 10 wards of the Corporation.” This integration ensures efficient processing of both liquid sewage and solid faecal waste.

Future Steps

Project Report Pending

While the plans for the FSTP and reduced STP are in place, the Kerala Water Authority, responsible for constructing the STP, is yet to prepare a detailed project report. This report will be crucial in finalizing the technical specifications and timeline for the project.

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