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India ranks second in Global Animal Protection Index 2020

India ranks second in Global Animal Protection Index 2020_4.1

India gets the second rank in Global Animal Protection Index 2020. This Index was released by International animal welfare charity “World Animal Protection” released. The Animal Protection Index (API) aims to showcase where countries are doing well, and where they fall short on animal welfare policy and legislation.

The index ranks countries from A (being the highest score) to G (being the weakest score) according to their policy and legislation. India has attained a C ranking in the index. India was ranked along with Spain, Mexico, France and New Zealand. Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Austria are rated with the highest scores, which is encouraging.

World Animal Protection assessed the animal welfare policies and legislation of 50 countries and clearly identified a worrying lack of adequate animal welfare laws. It is pushing for urgent improvements. The index will help countries to put in place good animal welfare practices such as keeping animals clean, healthy and with sufficient space to exhibit natural behaviours. There are strong laws to protect animals in these countries. However, the laws are not as strict to protect dairy animals.

Important takeaways for all competitive exams:

  • World Animal Protection founded: 1981.
  • World Animal Protection Headquarters: London, United Kingdom.
  • Chairman of Animal Protection: Paul Baldwin.

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India ranks second in Global Animal Protection Index 2020_5.1