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Indian Tripartite Delegation at the 112th Session of International Labour Conference (ILC)

The Indian tripartite delegation led by Secretary (Labour & Employment), Ms. Sumita Dawra, participated in the 112th session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) of International Labour Organisation (ILO) being held in Geneva, Switzerland.

About Ms. Susmita Dawra

Ms. Dawra is a 1991 Batch IAS officer from Andhra Pradesh Cadre. Currently serving the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, as Special Secretary, (Secretary equivalent), in Logistics division of DPIIT, she is in charge of implementation of Prime Minister’s flagship programme – PM GatiShakti National Master Plan. Earlier, from 1993-2008, she served in districts of the State of Andhra Pradesh in development and welfare programmes and later at the state level in various positions.

112th session of the International Labour Conference

The International Labour Organization will hold its 112th annual International Labour Conference in Geneva from 3–14 June 2024. Worker, employer and government delegates from the ILO’s 187 Member States will tackle a wide range of issues, including: a standard-setting discussion on protection against biological hazards, a recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of fundamental principles and rights at work and a general discussion on decent work and the care economy. The Conference will also elect members of the Governing Body for the 2024-27 term of office

International Labour Organization

The International Labour Organization is a United Nations agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice by setting international labour standards. Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is one of the first and oldest specialised agencies of the UN.

About the International Labour Conference

The International Labour Conference is the ILO’s highest decision-making body. It meets annually in June, bringing together the tripartite delegations from the Organization’s 187 member States. The Conference is composed of a plenary and of technical committees. The Conference opens and closes in plenary sitting; during intermediate plenary sittings, all delegates may participate in the discussion of the Reports of the Chairperson of the Governing Body and of the Director-General. The plenary also performs administrative and formal tasks for the Conference and may hold sittings to receive distinguished guests, including Heads of State or Government.


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