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S. Tripathy Appointed as the First Director of UVCE

On this significant day for higher education in Karnataka, the State government has made a crucial appointment that marks a new era for the University of Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE). This appointment represents an important step in the institution’s history and development.

Key Appointment

S. Tripathy, a distinguished professor from the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, has been named the first director of UVCE. This appointment is a milestone in the college’s journey towards excellence in engineering education.

Terms of Appointment

Prof. Tripathy’s tenure comes with specific terms:

  • Duration: Four years from the date of assuming office
  • Age Limit: Up to attaining the age of 70 years, whichever is earlier

Background and Significance

Previous Appointment

This appointment comes after a previous attempt to fill this crucial position:

  • D. Manjunath, professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B), was initially appointed on March 8, 2023.
  • However, Prof. Manjunath did not assume the role even after a year of his appointment.

Importance for UVCE

The appointment of a director is a critical step for UVCE:

  • It signifies the institution’s growth and progression
  • It demonstrates the government’s commitment to strengthening higher education
  • It promises new leadership and potential advancements in engineering education

Looking Ahead

As UVCE welcomes its first director, the institution stands at the threshold of a new phase:

  • Enhanced academic leadership can be expected
  • Potential for new initiatives and collaborations
  • Opportunities for growth and development in engineering education and research

Celebrating Progress in Education

While not a traditional celebration day, this appointment marks a day worth noting in the academic calendar:

  • It represents progress in educational administration
  • It highlights the importance of leadership in academic institutions
  • It’s a day that could shape the future of many aspiring engineers

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