Swamy Saswathikanandan 20th Samadhi Day observed

On Monday, the Sivagiri Matha Atheetha Athmiya Sangham in Varkala marked an important day in their calendar. They observed the 20th death anniversary, also known as the Samadhi Day, of Swamy Saswathikananda. This event brings together followers and admirers of the Swamy to remember his life and teachings.

What is Samadhi Day?

Understanding the Concept

In Hindu and Buddhist traditions, Samadhi Day refers to the day when a spiritual leader or saint leaves their physical body. It’s not seen as a day of sadness, but rather as a day of:

  • Reflection
  • Spiritual growth
  • Honoring the leader’s teachings

Significance in Spiritual Communities

Observing Samadhi Day is a way for spiritual communities to:

  1. Keep the memory of their leader alive
  2. Pass on important teachings to new generations
  3. Strengthen the bond among followers

Who Was Swamy Saswathikananda?

A Brief Biography

Swamy Saswathikananda was an important spiritual leader in Kerala. While we don’t have specific details about his life in this brief, we can understand that he:

  • Was associated with the Sivagiri Matha
  • Had a significant following
  • Left a lasting impact on his community

His Connection to Sivagiri Matha

The Sivagiri Matha is a major spiritual center in Kerala. It was founded by the social reformer Sree Narayana Guru. Swamy Saswathikananda likely played a crucial role in continuing the work and teachings of this institution.

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Viswanathan Anand Wins 10th Leon Masters Chess Championship

Viswanathan Anand, the former world chess champion from India, achieved a remarkable feat. He won the Leon Masters chess championship for the 10th time, defeating Jaime Santos Latasa of Spain in the final with a score of 3-1. This victory adds another jewel to Anand’s crown of achievements in the world of chess.

The Leon Masters Tournament

What is the Leon Masters?

The Leon Masters is a prestigious chess tournament held in Leon, Spain. It features four top players competing against each other. In 2024, the participants were:

  1. Viswanathan Anand (India)
  2. Arjun Erigaisi (India)
  3. Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria)
  4. Jaime Santos Latasa (Spain)

Anand’s Path to Victory

In the semi-final, Anand defeated Veselin Topalov, while Jaime Santos Latasa won against Arjun Erigaisi. This set the stage for the final match between Anand and Santos Latasa, which Anand won convincingly.

Anand’s Dominance at Leon Masters

Anand’s victory in 2024 marks his 10th win at the Leon Masters. His previous victories came in:

1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2016, and now 2024

This impressive record showcases Anand’s consistency and longevity in the sport of chess.

Who is Viswanathan Anand?

Early Life and Introduction to Chess

  • Born on December 11, 1969, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
  • Introduced to chess by his mother
  • Became the National Sub-Junior Chess Champion at age 14
  • Earned International Masters (IM) norms at age 15

Major Achievements

  1. Became India’s first chess Grandmaster in 1988
  2. Five-time World Chess Champion
    • FIDE World Chess Champion (2000-2002)
    • Undisputed World Champion (2007-2013)
  3. Successfully defended his title in 2008, 2010, and 2012
  4. Reached the 2800 Elo rating mark in April 2006
  5. Ranked world number one for 21 months

Anand’s World Championship Journey

Anand’s journey as a world champion has been remarkable:

  • Won the FIDE World Chess Championship in 2000
  • Became the undisputed World Champion in 2007
  • Defended his title against:
    • Vladimir Kramnik (Russia) in 2008
    • Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria) in 2010
    • Boris Gelfand (Israel) in 2012
  • Lost the title to Magnus Carlsen (Norway) in 2013

Awards and Honors

Anand’s contributions to chess have been widely recognized:

  1. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award (now Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award)
    • First recipient of India’s highest sports award (1991-92)
  2. Padma Vibhushan
    • India’s second-highest civilian award (2007)
    • First sports person to receive this honor

Anand’s Impact on Indian Chess

Viswanathan Anand’s success has had a profound impact on chess in India:

  • Inspired a generation of young Indian chess players
  • Helped raise the profile of chess in India
  • Contributed to India becoming a major force in world chess

The 2024 Leon Masters Victory

At the age of 54, Anand’s victory in the 2024 Leon Masters demonstrates his enduring skill and passion for the game. His connection to Spain, where he lived for many years during his professional career, adds a special significance to this win.

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Bhupinder Singh Rawat, Former Indian Midfielder passes away at 85: AIFF

Former India midfielder Bhupinder Singh Rawat, who played in the 1969 Merdeka Cup in Malaysia died after a brief illness, the All India Football Federation (AIFF) stated. A speedy winger of the 1960s and 1970s, Rawat played for India in the 1969 Merdeka tournament in Malaysia. Domestically, he played for Delhi Garrison, Gorkha Brigade and Mafatlal.

About Bhupinder Singh Rawat,

The All India Football Federation condoled the death of former India winger Bhupinder Singh Rawat, who passed away in Surat, Gujarat, on June 29, 2024, after a brief illness. He was 85. Rawat is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter. A speedy winger of the 1960s and 1970s, Rawat played for India in the 1969 Merdeka tournament in Malaysia. In domestic football, he played for top teams like Delhi Garrison, Gorkha Brigade and Mafatlal. He represented Services and Maharashtra in the National Football Championship for the Santosh Trophy. A darling of the crowd for his speed and ability to cut through the rival defence despite his diminutive figure, Rawat was nicknamed “Scooter” by his fans in the stands.

About AIFA

All India Football Federation (AIFF) is the governing body of football, futsal and beach soccer in India. It is a member of FIFA, and is affiliated with the Asian Football Confederation and South Asian Football Federation. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. India men’s and women’s football teams are governed by the AIFF, and represent India in various international football tournaments.

Important takeaways for all competitive exams

  • President: Kalyan Chaubey
  • Subsidiaries: Indian Football Association, 33 more

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World UFO Day 2024, Date, Significance and History

Every year on July 2, people around the world celebrate World UFO Day. This special day is all about learning more about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and thinking about the possibility of life beyond Earth. In 2024, World UFO Day falls on a Tuesday, giving us another chance to look up at the sky and wonder about what might be out there.

What is a UFO?

Before we dive deeper, let’s understand what a UFO is:

  • UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object
  • It’s anything flying in the sky that we can’t easily explain
  • UFOs aren’t always alien spaceships – they could be:
    • Weather balloons
    • Satellites
    • Unusual aircraft
    • Natural events in the sky

But some famous UFO sightings, like the Roswell Incident and the Phoenix Lights, keep people wondering if we’ve been visited by beings from other planets.

The History of World UFO Day

When did it start?

World UFO Day has an interesting history:

  • It was first celebrated on June 24
  • This date was chosen because of a famous UFO sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947
  • Later, the date was changed to July 2
  • July 2 marks the anniversary of the Roswell incident in 1947

The Roswell Incident

The Roswell incident is a big part of UFO history:

  • It happened in New Mexico, USA
  • Something crashed near Roswell in July 1947
  • The U.S. military said it was a weather balloon
  • Many people believe it was an alien spacecraft
  • This event sparked a lot of interest in UFOs

Why Do We Celebrate World UFO Day?

World UFO Day is important for several reasons:

  1. Raises Awareness: It helps more people learn about UFOs
  2. Encourages Discussion: People can share ideas about UFOs and aliens
  3. Promotes Research: It supports scientific study of UFO sightings
  4. Challenges Myths: It helps clear up false ideas about UFOs
  5. Sparks Curiosity: It reminds us to wonder about the unknown

How to Celebrate World UFO Day 2024

Here are some fun ways to mark this special day:

  1. Watch the Sky: Spend time stargazing and looking for unusual objects
  2. Learn More: Read books or watch documentaries about UFOs
  3. Share Stories: Talk with friends about UFO sightings or theories
  4. Visit Museums: Some places have exhibits about UFOs and space
  5. Join Events: Look for local gatherings or online discussions about UFOs

Famous UFO Sightings

While we celebrate World UFO Day, it’s interesting to remember some famous UFO incidents:

  1. Roswell Incident (1947): The crash that started it all
  2. Kenneth Arnold Sighting (1947): First widely reported UFO sighting
  3. Phoenix Lights (1997): Mysterious lights seen by many people in Arizona
  4. Nimitz Encounter (2004): U.S. Navy pilots reported strange aircraft
  5. O’Hare Airport Sighting (2006): UFO reported hovering over a major airport

The Science Behind UFO Research

World UFO Day isn’t just about stories – it’s also about science:

  • SETI: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence uses radio telescopes to look for alien signals
  • Exoplanet Research: Scientists are finding planets outside our solar system that might support life
  • Advanced Technology: New tools help us study strange objects in the sky more closely

UFOs in Popular Culture

UFOs have had a big impact on our imagination:

  • Movies: Films like “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “E.T.”
  • TV Shows: Series like “The X-Files” explore UFO mysteries
  • Books: Many authors write about UFO encounters and alien life
  • Video Games: Space and alien themes are popular in gaming

The Future of UFO Research

As we look forward to World UFO Day 2024, the field of UFO research is changing:

  • Government Openness: Some countries are sharing more UFO information
  • Better Technology: Advanced cameras and sensors can capture clearer images
  • Citizen Science: Regular people help track and report UFO sightings
  • Space Exploration: As we learn more about space, we might find answers about UFOs

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World Sports Journalists Day 2024, Date, History and Significance

Sports play a vital role in our lives. For some, it’s a fun activity, while for others, it’s a career. World Sports Journalists Day is celebrated every year on July 2 to honour those who bring sports stories to life – the sports journalists.

What is Sports Journalism?

Sports journalism is a special type of reporting that focuses on sports-related news and events. Sports journalists work in different areas:

  • Print media (newspapers and magazines)
  • Digital platforms (websites and social media)
  • Television and radio

Almost every news organization, big or small, has people who cover sports news.

The History of World Sports Journalists Day

When did it start?

The International Sports Press Association (AIPS) started World Sports Journalists Day in 1994. This date is important because AIPS itself was formed on July 2, during the Summer Olympics in Paris.

Why was it started?

The day was created to:

  • Recognize the hard work of sports journalists
  • Honor their achievements
  • Encourage new talent to join the field

Why is World Sports Journalists Day Important?

This special day matters for several reasons:

  1. Recognition: It’s a chance to appreciate the efforts of sports journalists.
  2. Motivation: It inspires young people who want to become sports journalists.
  3. Awareness: It helps spread knowledge about sports around the world.
  4. Celebration: Many news organizations use this day to honor their sports reporting teams.

World Sports Journalists Day 2024: Key Details


World Sports Journalists Day is celebrated on July 2, 2024.


There’s no specific theme for 2024. The main focus remains on recognizing and appreciating sports journalists.

How to Celebrate

Here are some ways to mark this special day:

  1. Learn More: Read about famous sports journalists and their work.
  2. Show Appreciation: Send a thank-you note to your favorite sports reporter.
  3. Attend Events: Look for special programs organized by sports bodies or media houses.
  4. Spread Awareness: Share information about this day on social media.
  5. Explore the Field: If you’re interested in sports journalism, use this day to research career opportunities.

The Impact of Sports Journalism

Sports journalists play a crucial role in the world of sports:

  1. Keeping Fans Informed: They provide the latest news about games, players, and teams.
  2. Analyzing Performance: They offer expert views on how athletes and teams are doing.
  3. Telling Stories: They share inspiring tales of sportspeople, going beyond just scores and statistics.
  4. Uncovering Issues: They investigate and report on problems in the sports world, like doping or corruption.
  5. Promoting Sports: Their coverage helps increase interest in different sports.

Challenges in Sports Journalism

While rewarding, sports journalism also faces some challenges:

  1. Fast-Paced Environment: News breaks quickly, and reporters must keep up.
  2. Pressure: There’s often fierce competition to get exclusive stories.
  3. Objectivity: Balancing personal fan feelings with fair reporting can be tricky.
  4. Changing Technology: Journalists need to adapt to new ways of delivering news.
  5. Access: Getting interviews with top athletes and officials isn’t always easy.

The Future of Sports Journalism

As we celebrate World Sports Journalists Day 2024, it’s clear that sports journalism is changing:

  1. Digital Focus: More content is moving online and to social media.
  2. Video and Podcasts: These formats are becoming as important as written articles.
  3. Data Journalism: Using statistics to tell deeper stories about sports.
  4. Fan Engagement: Journalists are finding new ways to interact with readers and viewers.
  5. Diverse Voices: There’s a growing push for more diversity in sports newsrooms.

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Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA), 2023, Check Details

The new criminal laws, the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (BNSS) and the Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam(BSA) are taking effect from July 1, 2024. These laws repeal and replace the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Indian Evidence Act respectively.

New law passed

The new law was passed by Parliament last December, with Home Minister Amit Shah, who had piloted the change, saying that the legislations would give priority to providing justice, unlike the British-era laws that gave primacy to penal action. “These laws are made by Indians, for Indians and by an Indian Parliament and marks the end of colonial criminal justice laws,” he said.

All about Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam

The Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam (BSA) replaces the Indian Evidence Act and introduces changes in the way evidence is processed. The BSA allows for “electronic and digital records”. This covers a wide range of electronic records, which includes emails, server logs, files stored on computers, laptops, or smartphones, website content, location data, and text messages, among others. The BSA also allows for oral evidence to be taken electronically. Additionally, to provide more protection to the victim and enforce transparency in investigation related to an offence of rape, the statement of the victim shall be recorded through audio-video means.

Expanded secondary evidence

The BSA has also expanded “secondary evidence” to include oral and written admissions. It states that secondary evidence will include “evidence of a person who has examined a document, the original of which consists of numerous accounts or other documents which cannot conveniently be examined in Court, and who is skilled in the examination of such documents”.

Difference between Old Law and New Law

Aspect Old Law (Indian Evidence Act, 1872) New Law (Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023)
Introduction Date 1872 2023
Colonial Influence Drafted during British colonial rule Drafted to reflect post-independence and modern Indian values
Language and Terminology Archaic English Simplified and modernized language
Structure Structured with 167 sections Revised structure, includes new sections
Admissibility of Evidence Detailed rules on admissibility Updated rules considering technological advancements
Electronic Evidence Basic recognition in amendments Comprehensive provisions for electronic and digital evidence
Hearsay Rule Strict adherence to hearsay rule Modified to accommodate modern communication methods
Witness Testimony Traditional procedures Enhanced procedures including video conferencing for testimony
Relevance of Evidence Defined under Sections 5-55 Expanded to include modern types of evidence
Documentary Evidence Sections 61-90 Updated to include electronic documents
Presumption Various presumptions detailed New presumptions reflecting modern societal norms
Confessions Sections 24-30 cover confessions Revised provisions on confessions, especially digital confessions
Privileged Communication Detailed in Sections 122-132 Expanded to cover modern professional communications
Expert Testimony Sections 45-51 Broadened scope to include digital forensic experts
Burden of Proof Sections 101-114 cover burden of proof Updated rules considering new types of evidence
Character Evidence Sections 52-55 Revised to reflect current societal values
Presumption of Innocence Strongly upheld Continued emphasis with additional safeguards
Alibi Specific provisions More detailed provisions on proving alibi
Sexual Offenses Evidence Limited recognition of victims’ rights Enhanced protections and considerations for victims
Corroboration Requirement for corroboration in certain cases Updated requirements, especially in cases of digital evidence
Chain of Custody Basic principles Detailed procedures for maintaining chain of custody for digital evidence
In-camera Proceedings Limited provisions Expanded scope for in-camera proceedings, especially in sensitive cases
Forensic Evidence Basic inclusion Extensive provisions for forensic evidence, including DNA
Hostile Witnesses Provisions for dealing with hostile witnesses Updated rules considering the impact of digital threats
Adverse Inference Sections on adverse inference from silence or non-production of evidence Updated to reflect modern legal standards
Reforms Focus Admissibility and relevance primarily Emphasis on efficiency, technology, and victim rights


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Most Apple Exporting Country in the World

Apples are among the most widely cultivated and consumed fruits globally, valued for their flavor, nutritional benefits, and versatility. The apple industry is significant for many countries, both for domestic consumption and export. Among the various countries involved in apple production and export, China stands out as the leading apple exporting country in the world.

Most Apple Exporting Country in the World

China is the world’s leading apple exporter, with an impressive export volume of 1,078,320,000 kilograms. This massive export capacity underscores China’s dominance in the global apple market, driven by advanced agricultural practices, government support, and a diverse range of high-quality apple varieties.

Production Volume of Apples in China

China’s apple production is staggering. The country produces over 40 million metric tons of apples annually, which is more than half of the world’s total apple production. This massive production capacity enables China to export a considerable quantity of apples to various countries across the globe.

Factors Behind China’s Dominance in Apple Export

Several factors contribute to China’s leading position in the global apple export market:

  • Advanced Agricultural Practices: China has adopted modern agricultural techniques and technologies to enhance apple production. This includes the use of high-density planting, advanced irrigation systems, and integrated pest management practices.
  • Government Support: The Chinese government has played a crucial role in promoting apple cultivation through various initiatives, including subsidies for apple farmers, research and development programs, and infrastructure development.
  • Large-Scale Production: The sheer scale of apple production in China allows for economies of scale, reducing production costs and making Chinese apples highly competitive in the global market.
  • Diverse Varieties: China cultivates a wide range of apple varieties, catering to different tastes and preferences in various markets. This diversity enhances China’s ability to meet the demands of international consumers.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Despite its dominant position, China faces several challenges in the apple export market. These include:

  • Environmental Concerns: Climate change and environmental degradation pose significant threats to apple production in China. Extreme weather conditions, such as droughts and floods, can adversely affect apple yields.
  • Quality Control: Maintaining consistent quality standards is crucial for sustaining China’s reputation in the global market. Efforts are being made to improve quality control measures and ensure that exported apples meet international standards.
  • Competition: Other countries, such as the United States and Poland, are also major apple exporters and continue to enhance their production and export capabilities.

Looking ahead, China aims to strengthen its position in the global apple market by investing in sustainable practices agricultural, improving quality control measures, and exploring new markets. With its rich history of apple cultivation and commitment to innovation, China is well-positioned to remain the world’s leading apple exporter for years to come.

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SEBEX 2, India’s New Explosive Revolutionizing Military Firepower

India has taken a significant leap in military technology with the development of SEBEX 2, a powerful new explosive. Certified by the Indian Navy, SEBEX 2 is reported to be twice as lethal as the standard Trinitrotoluene (TNT), marking it as one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosives globally. This breakthrough is set to revolutionize artillery shells and warheads, enhancing their destructive capabilities without increasing their weight.

Development and Certification

Under the Defence Export Promotion Scheme

SEBEX 2 was rigorously tested under the Defence Export Promotion Scheme of the Indian Navy. The formulation was developed by Economic Explosives Ltd (EEL), a subsidiary of Nagpur-based Solar Industries. The certification process, completed last week, highlights the explosive’s enhanced firepower and blast effect, which surpasses any currently available solid explosive.

Part of Make in India Initiative

The development of SEBEX 2 falls under the Make in India initiative, showcasing India’s commitment to advancing its defense capabilities with indigenous technologies. The explosive uses a composition based on high-melting explosive (HMX), significantly improving the lethality of warheads, aerial bombs, artillery shells, and other munitions.

Key Features of SEBEX 2

Higher TNT Equivalence

Explosive performance is measured in terms of TNT equivalence, with higher values indicating greater lethality. SEBEX 2 is said to have a TNT equivalence twice that of standard TNT, providing a much more powerful blast effect. This enhanced performance ensures that SEBEX 2 can significantly improve the potency and efficiency of weapons and ammunition in use.

Revolutionary Impact

SEBEX 2’s high TNT equivalence makes it a game-changer for the armed forces. The increased explosive power allows for more effective damage to targets, making it ideal for use in various military applications, including warheads, aerial bombs, and artillery shells. This development is particularly important given the current conventional warheads worldwide have a TNT equivalence ranging from 1.25 to 1.30.

Additional Developments by EEL

Upcoming Variant with Greater Power

Economic Explosives Ltd is also developing another variant expected to have an explosive power rated at 2.3 times that of TNT. This variant is anticipated to be ready within six months, further enhancing India’s military capabilities.

SITBEX 1: The Thermobaric Explosive

EEL has also developed SITBEX 1, the first thermobaric explosive certified by the Indian Navy. SITBEX 1 has been used in recent conflicts to cause extensive battlefield damage. It produces a prolonged blast duration with intense heat, making it highly effective for destroying enemy bunkers, tunnels, and other fortified positions.

SIMEX 4: The Insensitive Munition

The third explosive certified by the Indian Navy is SIMEX 4, an insensitive munition. SIMEX 4 is safer to store, transport, and handle compared to standard explosives, as it is much less likely to ignite accidentally. This feature makes it especially suitable for applications where safety is critical, such as in torpedo warheads stored in the confined spaces of submarines.

Implications for India’s Defense

Enhanced Firepower and Efficiency

The development of SEBEX 2 and its variants marks a significant advancement in India’s defense technology. The enhanced firepower and efficiency of these new explosives will provide the armed forces with a substantial edge in combat scenarios. The ability to deliver greater damage with the same amount of explosive material allows for more effective and efficient military operations.

Strategic Advantage

The increased lethality of SEBEX 2 provides a strategic advantage, allowing India to strengthen its defense capabilities and maintain a robust deterrence posture. The development of these explosives also underscores India’s commitment to self-reliance in defense technology, reducing dependence on foreign imports.

Potential for Export

With certification from the Indian Navy, SEBEX 2 and its variants have the potential for export, contributing to India’s defense exports and boosting the economy. The Defence Export Promotion Scheme aims to promote such developments, positioning India as a significant player in the global defense market.

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PM Modi Releases 3 Books On Life, Journey of Venkaiah Naidu

Prime Minister Narendra Modi released three books on the life and journey of former Vice President of India M Venkaiah Naidu via video conferencing on June 30. The book release event was organised at Anvaya Convention Centre in Gachibowli in Telangana’s Hyderabad, on the eve of the 75th birthday of the former Vice President Naidu.

The books released by the Prime Minister are

1)    Biography of the former Vice President titled “Venkaiah Naidu: Life in Service” authored by Shri S Nagesh Kumar, former Resident Editor of The Hindu, Hyderabad edition

2)    “Celebrating Bharat: The Mission and Message of Shri M Venkaiah Naidu as 13th Vice–President of India”, a Photo chronicle compiled by Dr I.V. Subba Rao, Former Secretary to Vice-President of India

3)    Pictorial biography in Telugu titled “Mahaneta: Life and Journey of Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu” authored by Shri Sanjay Kishore

The PM said Mr. Naidu’s 75 years had been extraordinary and encompassed magnificent milestones. These 75 years have been extraordinary and it encompasses magnificent stopovers.” He said the three books would become “a source of inspiration for the people” while also “illuminating the correct path to serving the nation”.

About these books

The Prime Minister expressed delight in releasing Venkaiah Naidu’s biography and two other books based on his life. He expressed confidence that these books will become a source of inspiration for the people while also illuminating the correct path to serving the nation. Reminiscing about his long association with the former Vice-President, the Prime Minister said he had the opportunity to work with Venkaiah ji for a long period. This collaboration began during Naidu’s tenure as the national president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), followed by his senior role in the Cabinet, his tenure as the Vice-President of the country, and later as the Speaker of the Rajya Sabha.

The life of Venkaiah Naidu

Modi expressed that the life of Venkaiah Naidu ji is a perfect glimpse of the amalgamation of ideas, vision and personality. Underling that power does not reflect the comforts of life but is the medium to accomplish the resolutions by service, the Prime Minister said that Shri Naidu proved himself when he got the opportunity to become a part of the Vajpayee Government where he chose to become the Union Minister for Rural Development.

Ek haath mein BJP ka jhanda, aur dusre haath mein NDA ka agenda

Praising the former Vice-President’s soft mild-mannerism, eloquence and wit, the Prime Minister recalled that no one can match Venkaiah Naidu’s level of wit, spontaneity, quick counters and one-liners. Shri Modi warmly recalled the slogan coined by Naidu during the formation of Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s coalition government, “Ek haath mein BJP ka jhanda, aur dusre haath mein NDA ka agenda”, which translates to the party’s flag in one hand and the National Democratic Alliance’s agenda in the other.

Making of Developed India

In 2014, he introduced the acronym ‘Making of Developed India’ for M.O.D.I. The Prime Minister said he was surprised by Venkaiah ji’s ruminations, compelling him to praise his style in the Rajya Sabha once where he said that there is depth, seriousness, vision, beat, bounce and wisdom in the former Vice-President’s words. The Prime Minister hailed the positive environment created by Shri Naidu during his tenure as Speaker of the Rajya Sabha and highlighted the various important decisions taken by the House. Recalling the introduction of the bill to revoke Article 370 in the Rajya Sabha before being tabled in the Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister lauded Shri Naidu’s experienced leadership in the passage of such a sensitive bill while maintaining the decorum of the House. The Prime Minister wished for a long, active and healthy life for Shri Naidu.

Emotional side of Venkaiah’s nature

Modi threw light on the emotional side of Venkaiah’s nature and informed that he never let adversities affect his decision-making. He also highlighted his simple way of living and his special ways of keeping in touch with people. The Prime Minister also touched upon the contributions made by personalities like Naidu towards Indian politics. Referring to the three books released today, the PM Modi said that they present the journey of Venkaiah Ji’s life, which is a source of inspiration for the younger generations. He said that as the Rural Development Minister in the government led by the late PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Mr. Naidu had wanted to serve villages, the poor, and the farmers, and as a Union Minister for Urban Development in the first Modi government, he had played a visionary role in implementing schemes such as the Swachh Bharat Mission, the Smart City Mission, and Amrit Yojana.


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Top-10 Pistachios Producing Countries in the World

Pistachios, cherished for their distinct flavor and health benefits, are a significant agricultural commodity worldwide. Several countries have optimized their cultivation practices to become leading producers in the global market. This article explores the top 10 pistachio-producing nations, highlighting their production capabilities, regional advantages, and contributions to the international pistachio supply. Discover which countries are at the forefront of this lucrative industry.

Worldwide Pistachios Production

Worldwide pistachio production has reached approximately 747.31 thousand metric tons. This substantial output reflects the growing demand and cultivation efforts across leading producing nations. Key countries have optimized their agricultural practices to enhance yield, ensuring a steady supply to meet global consumption.

Largest Pistachios Producing Country in the World

Iran leads the world in pistachio production, with a staggering 551,372 tonnes, surpassing the combined output of all other countries on this list. Iran’s dominance in this sector is likely to continue due to its vast agricultural land and favorable climate. Iranian pistachios are renowned not only for their quantity but also for their superior quality. Integral to Iranian culture, pistachios feature in festivals, celebrations, literature, and special dishes.

Health Benefits of Pistachios

Pistachios offer numerous health benefits, including being rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They support heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. High in protein and fiber, pistachios aid in weight management and digestion. Their anti-inflammatory properties contribute to overall wellness. Additionally, pistachios are beneficial for blood sugar control, making them a healthy snack choice for people with diabetes.

Top-10 Pistachios Producing Countries in the World

Iran with the pistachios production of 551,372 metric tonnes, stands as the largest pistachios producing country in the world, followed by United States, Turkey and China.

Here is the list of top-10 pistachios producing countries in the world:

Top-10 Pistachios Producing Countries in the World
Rank Country Pistachios Production (in metric tons)
1. Iran 551,372
2. United States 555,195
3. Turkey 236,933
4. China 165,175
5. Syria 130,000
6. Greece 15,000
7. Italy 12,000
8. Tunisia 11,500
9. Afghanistan 10,000
10. Spain 8,600

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