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Hungary Takes Over Rotating Presidency of EU Council

Hungary has assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union for the next six months. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Hungary aims to prioritize EU competitiveness, defense policy, migration control, and agricultural reform. The presidency’s motto, “Make Europe Great Again,” reflects a stance emphasizing unity and proactive global engagement.

Key Priorities

Enhancing EU Competitiveness

Focus on economic policies to boost competitiveness within the EU.

Reinforcing European Defence Policy

Strengthening defense cooperation among member states.

EU Enlargement

Addressing the expansion and integration of new member states.

Managing Illegal Migration

Implementing measures to control and reduce illegal migration flows.

Cohesion and Agricultural Policies

Reforming EU policies to support cohesion and farmer-oriented agricultural practices.

Demographic Challenges

Addressing demographic issues affecting Europe’s future.

Political Context

Hungary’s presidency comes amid ongoing tensions with the EU regarding democratic principles and rule-of-law concerns. Despite criticisms, Hungary pledges to act as an “honest broker” during its presidency, collaborating with all member states and institutions.

Symbolism and Logo

The presidency’s logo features a Rubik’s Cube, symbolizing Hungarian ingenuity and the complexity of European affairs. It highlights unity among EU member states, represented by the cube’s interconnected elements.

Transition and Future

Hungary will hand over the presidency to Poland at the end of the year, marking the continuation of the EU’s rotating leadership.

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