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ICAR Foundation and Technology Day 2024

The 96th Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Foundation and Technology Day is observed on 16th July at the Dr. C. Subramaniam Auditorium, NASC Complex, New Delhi. Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan, lead the inauguration.

Other dignitaries include:

  • Shri Rajiv Ranjan Singh, Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying
  • Shri Bhagirath Choudhary and Shri Ram Nath Thakur, Union Ministers of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
  • Shri George Kurian, Union Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying and Ministry of Minority Affairs
  • Prof. S.P. Singh Baghel, Union Minister of State for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying and Ministry of Panchayati Raj

Collaborative Research and Technology Commercialization

In preparation for the event, an interactive meeting between ICAR scientists and industry representatives was held today. The focus of this meeting was to foster collaborative research and promote technology commercialization. As a result of these efforts, 40 selected technologies will be released during the event, showcasing the latest innovations in agriculture. The developers of these technologies will be recognized for their contributions.

Crop Variety Development and Bio-fortification

Varietal Releases and Improvements

The past year (2023-24) has seen significant progress in crop variety development:

  • A total of 323 varieties across 56 crops were released, including cereals, oilseeds, forage crops, and sugarcane.
  • Among these, 27 bio-fortified varieties and 289 climate-resilient varieties were developed to address various biotic and abiotic stresses.

Bio-fortified Crop Coverage

Based on breeder seed production, bio-fortified varieties now cover approximately 16.0 million hectares (Mha) across different crops:

  • Wheat: 13.0 Mha
  • Rice: 0.5 Mha
  • Pearl millet: 1.5 Mha
  • Lentil: 0.50 Mha
  • Mustard: 1.0 Mha

Long-term Varietal Improvements

Over the past decade (2014-15 to 2023-24), ICAR has made substantial progress:

  • 2,593 high-yielding varieties were released
  • Of these, 2,177 (83%) are climate-resilient with biotic and abiotic stress resistance
  • 150 bio-fortified crop varieties were developed

Breeder Seed Production

ICAR is currently producing more than 1.0 lakh quintal of breeder seed, covering over 2,200 varieties of 56 crops.

Landmark Achievements in Rice Cultivation

ICAR’s development of high-yielding, fine-grain aromatic Basmati rice varieties has significantly contributed to India’s agricultural exports:

  • Annual export value exceeds Rs. 42,000 crores
  • Over 90% of this export is attributed to four ICAR varieties:
    1. Pusa Basmati 1121
    2. Pusa Basmati 1509
    3. Pusa Basmati 1401
    4. Pusa Basmati 1718

Horticultural Advancements

The horticultural sector has seen remarkable growth and development:

  • Production increased 14-fold from 25 Mt (1950-51) to 355.3 Mt (2022-23)

In 2023-24:

  • 1,071 quintals of breeder seed were produced for horticultural crops
  • 48 varieties were identified
  • 2,069 germplasm were acquired
  • 17.6 lakh quality plant materials were produced

Sustainable Agriculture and Resource Management

ICAR has made significant strides in optimizing agricultural production and resource management:

  • Climate-resilient technologies were developed for 14 states
  • Integrated Farming System (IFS) models were created for small and marginal farmers in Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh
  • Organic farming package of practices were standardized for wheat, rice, sugarcane, cauliflower, brinjal, tomato, and mustard

Agricultural Mechanization and Modernization

ICAR’s efforts in agricultural mechanization have yielded impressive results:

  • 23 new equipment and machineries were developed
  • 8 process protocols were established

Livestock and Dairy Sector Progress

The livestock and dairy sector has experienced significant growth:

  • Milk production increased 13-fold from 17.0 Mt (1951) to 230.6 Mt (2023)
  • 7 new livestock breeds were registered during the year

ICAR developed:

  • 4 vaccines
  • 7 diagnostics
  • 10 feed technologies

Fisheries and Aquaculture Advancements

ICAR has made notable contributions to the fisheries and aquaculture sector:

  • 7 new fish species were identified
  • 7 breeding and seed production technologies were developed
  • 2 vaccine and therapeutic products were created
  • 5 feed/nutraceutical products were formulated

Precision Farming and Robotics

ICAR is pioneering research in precision farming and agricultural robotics, paving the way for a technologically advanced and sustainable future in agriculture.

On-farm Trials and Demonstrations

ICAR’s commitment to grassroots-level implementation is evident through:

  • 47,650 on-farm trials
  • 2.75 lakh frontline demonstrations

These initiatives bridge the gap between scientific advancements and practical field applications.

Agricultural Education and E-Learning

ICAR has made significant progress in agricultural education:

  • Increased UG, PG, and Ph.D. seats by 10%
  • 9,651 students admitted to Agricultural Universities across India through Centralized ICAR exam in 2023-24

E-Learning Portal achievements:

  • 256 E-courses (171 UG courses and 85 PG courses)
  • 4,215 registered users from more than 50 countries

Technology Exhibition and Industry Interface

The ICAR Foundation and Technology Day celebrations will feature a comprehensive technology exhibition and industry interface:

  • Showcase of novel technologies developed by various ICAR institutes
  • Focus on sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture
  • Display of eco-friendly technologies for various crops
  • Emphasis on mechanization, precision farming, and value-added products
  • Exhibition of ICAR’s extension system and innovations in agricultural education
  • Showcase of technologies for animal science, poultry, and fisheries

Highlights of the Exhibition

  • Display of nearly 400 mango varieties, 80 banana varieties, 50 temperate fruit varieties, and 120 minor fruit varieties

Showcase of innovative technologies such as:

  • Hand-held device for nutrient and water stress detection in field crops
  • Localizer
  • Industrial cut resistance gloves developed using multi-layer weaving technology
  • AI-IoT enabled jute fibre grading system
  • Biothermocol: Mycelium-based packaging material from crop residue

The exhibition aims to facilitate large-scale dissemination of technology and popularization of agricultural science. More than 1,000 students from neighboring states are expected to participate in the ICAR Foundation and Technology Day on July 15, 2024.

This comprehensive celebration of agricultural innovation and progress underscores ICAR’s commitment to advancing India’s agricultural sector through research, technology development, and education.

Important takeaways for all competitive exam:

  • Headquarters of the ICAR: New Delhi;
  • ICAR Established: 16 July 1929;
  • ICAR Director: Himanshu Pathak.

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