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India Chairs ‘Colombo Process’ Meeting at Permanent Representative Level in Geneva

India chaired its first meeting as Chair of the ‘Colombo Process’ at the Permanent Representative Level Meeting in Geneva, marking a significant moment in regional migration cooperation. The Colombo Process, comprising 12 Asian member states, focuses on enhancing governance and opportunities for overseas employment. Under India’s leadership, priorities include financial sustainability, membership expansion, and collaboration with regional bodies like the Abu Dhabi Dialogue.

Meeting Overview

At the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Headquarters, India led discussions on future strategies and outlined a comprehensive two-year action plan. Secretary Muktesh Pardeshi underscored India’s commitment to advancing the Colombo Process goals, emphasizing skill enhancement and partnership building.

Key Priorities

India’s agenda includes

  • Reconfiguring technical collaborations
  • Broadening membership and observers
  • Reviewing financial sustainability
  • Implementing structured chairmanship rotation
  • Engaging with regional dialogues
  • Conducting a regional review of the Global Compact for Migration.

Role of the Colombo Process

Established in 2003, the Colombo Process fosters dialogue among countries of origin in Asia to improve migration management. India’s chairmanship aims to strengthen cooperation for safe and orderly migration, benefiting both migrant workers and regional stability.

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