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The Ministry Of Food Processing Industries Is Hosting World Food India 2024

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries is all set to host the third edition of World Food India 2024, from September 19 to 22, at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. Aimed at becoming the largest event for the food processing and allied sectors in India, this prestigious gathering will bring together industry leaders from across the globe.

Background & Vision

  • The Government of India initiated the inaugural World Food India event in 2017 with the dual aim of showcasing India’s rich culinary traditions and encouraging investments in the country’s diverse food processing sector. 
  • The Ministry has since focused on channelizing investments across sub-segments, from backward linkages and research and development to cold chain solutions and start-ups, positioning India as a global food hub.

Focused Pillar of World Food India 2024

    • Food Irradiation: Ensuring Safety and Extending Shelf Life
    • Plant-based Proteins: Innovations and Impact
    • Minimum Waste, Maximum Value
    • Sustainable Packaging in Food Processing Industries
    • Ensuring Food Safety for All from Farm to Fork

Intended Outcomes of event

  • Attracting Investments
  • Sourcing Hub
  • Empowering MSMEs
  • Technology Pavilion
  • Reverse Buyer Seller Meet
  • Food Irradiation & Waste Reduction
  • ODOP Products (One District One Product)


  • Food processing and manufacturing companies
  • Exporters and importers of food
  • Food chain and cold chain and logistic companies
  • Trade and media partner
  • Financial institutions
  • Academia and research institutions


  • Is set to unlock new opportunities and strengthen India’s role in the global food value chain. 
  • Attendees from across the food industry, government, and academia will have the chance to explore the latest trends, engage in fruitful collaborations, and contribute to the future of food processing in India and beyond.

India’s Food Sector at glance

    • Attracted USD 6.79 Billion FDI equity inflow during 2014 to 2023-24
    • Processed Food Exports worth USD 10.88 Billion in 2023-2024 123.4% share in agri-food exports
    • Employs 12.01% of the total workforce (2.06 Million) in registered manufacturing sector
    • 5.35% Annual Average Growth Rate during last 8 year ending 2022-23
    • 5.35% Annual Average Growth Rate during last 8 year ending 2022-23
    • 325 Food Parks

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