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A ‘Healthy normal’ Monsoon forecasts by Skymet

Skymet which is a private weather forecast company and its weather report states:

The report states:

– This year, the monsoon is likely  to be 103% of the long period average (LPA). The LPA is the average of all India monsoon consisting of rainfall of 88 cm and is 50-year mean.

– The odds of an El Nino, characterised by a heating of the equatorial central Pacific over half a degree, are low this year.Presently, the Pacific is in a La Nina mode.

– The North India plains along with a few parts of northeast India are at risk of being rain deficient through the season.

– The Indian Ocean Dipole, characterised by a temperature gradient in the western and eastern Indian Ocean. It is expected to be slightly on the negative. Usually a positive dipole aids the monsoon.

– During the season in India, the monsoon in 2019 and 2020 was only the third time in a century of back-to-back years of above normal rainfall.

What is the Impact?

– As per the studies a positive IOD year sees more than normal rainfall over central India.

– A negative IOD complements El NiNo leading to severe drought.

– Also, positive IOD results in more than usual in Arabian Sea.

– In Bay of Bengal, negative IOD results in stronger than usual cyclogenesis. During this time, cyclogenesis in Arabian Sea is suppressed.

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What is IOD?

It is Indian Ocean Dipole, an atmosphere-ocean coupled phenomenon in the tropical Indian Ocean which is characterised by a difference in sea-surface temperatures.

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A 'Healthy normal' Monsoon forecasts by Skymet_4.1

A 'Healthy normal' Monsoon forecasts by Skymet_5.1